
Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Graph-Vertex-Coloring:Application For Coloring the vertexes of an Undirected Graph using minimum number of colors

                            Graph-Vertex-Coloring is a simple web application for coloring an undirected graph using minimum number of colors. It  color the given vertex of a graph using proper color algorithm.

                             The front end of the project developed using HTML5. The drawing field is implemented using a special feature of HTML5 known as canvas. We can draw the vertex of the graph by double clicking on the field. To draw an edge we need to click on the first node,drag and release on the next node. JavaScript uses for drawing the graph.

                             The algorithm is implemented using python.After drawing an edge we are creating an adjacency list. sending this adjacency list to the server side. The server side using google-appengine. The algorithm keeps a list of available colors. Each time after getting the updated adjacency list algorithm checks for the available colors. This process continues until all vertex get colored with minimum colors.

To go to my application visit:

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